Jess feels: The current mood of at


Wednesday, Jun. 05, 2002 at 10:26 a.m..

Wow! I am so excited for Sunday! It's finally nice out today, so on my way home from work I can drive with the car top down! Yay! It was a little too chilly to do so this morning.

I don't know where the heck my mind was on the way to work. I exited the highway and forgot to turn onto the street my work is on. I work near the Mall of America, and I'm so used to going there when I take that exit, so I started to drive into the mall parking ramp without even realizing what I was doing! Guess I was spacing out a little!

It kinda sucks that only people who have diaryland accounts can take my survey! :( If you want to take it and don't have an account, just click on the link at the end of this journal, and copy and paste the questions into an email or a guestbook entry and answer them for me and I will luv you forever! Well, I probably will still luv you forever even if you don't, but they are fun to read! Cuz I know I have muy creative friends!

I can't wait for Friday. I hope it is nice out cuz then we can drive to Rochester with the top down! I will remember sunscreen this time! I still need a good name for my car! I have gotten some suggestions so far on my survey. I think I like Misty the Mustang best so far. Can anyone think of anything more fitting? Hmmm...

I wish I had some money. I ripped a hole in my favorite jeans-the ones I usually wear to work on Fridays because they look decent. Not that I have anything against holey jeans, I won't be able to wear them to work cuz the hole will start to fray and stuff. I can't afford another good pair. I just got this pair. I don't even know how the damn hole got there. :( I also want red strappy sandals. All my shoes are black. How boring. I saw these really cool hot pink boots once, but I was with Jeremy and he gave me that "are you crazy?" look. I guess they would've kinda made me look like a hooker, and I don't really have anything that would go with them, but nonetheless they were awesome. I get that look from him a lot. I would settle for the red sandals, though. Maybe I should get a part time job to support my shoe and bracelet fetish. Oooh! I could work at a shoe store and get a discount! But when would I have time to do that?

The new Flipp album is supposed to come out on July 30th. They put up the mp3 file for the first single, "Freak" on Artemis Record's website. I've heard this song before at their show, but the album version is alot different. I like it, but you can definitely hear the Art Alexakis/Everclear influence in it. The sound is more fit for radio, which could be either bad or good depending on what happens when it is actually played. I haven't heard it yet but I have a feeling it is only a matter of time. I'm scared that I will never get to talk to them again if they hit it "big". I know that they are cool guys and very devoted to their fans, but you know how the business is....

MOOD: Eh...

TUNES: "I Want You to Want Me"-Cheap Trick

NEW WORD I LEARNED IN LINGUISTICS CLASS: colloquial (adjective) Pertaining to conversation. See? I'm learning SOMETHING in that class....

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