Jess feels: The current mood of at

scooby doobie doo!

Sunday, Jun. 23, 2002 at 10:16 p.m..

How do y'all like my new colors? I luv purple! Weeell. Let's see. What did I do this weekend?

On Friday nite it was raining so we couldn't go to the drive-in. So we went to the theater and saw Scooby Doo. I thought it was pretty cute although a lot of people I talked to said they didn't like it. I'm like, what do you expect? It's just Scooby Doo. Yeah...

On Saturday morning we got up at 7 to drive down to New Ulm to look at a van Jeremy was interested in. It was in really good shape so we bought it. It's pink! Ha ha! I like to make fun of him. We got home at about 12:30 so I took a nap-ahhh nice. But I woke up becuase it was about 100 degrees in the house. Bleah! We went to First Ave to see the Heiruspecs (sp?) and Mark Mallman. I actually liked the Heiruspecs better than MM. We even left before MM was finished. Oh well-I just prefer something more upbeat and rocking. He was kinda mellow. It was cool of Scot to give me the comp ticket though.

Today we cruised out to my parent's house to pick up my dresser and their old table. I have a normal dining room table now! Yay! It's so friggin hot out... this is Minnesota! It's supposed to be cold!

I need a longer weekend! It's almost the 4th, it's almost the 4th...


TUNES: The hum of the fan

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