Jess feels: The current mood of at

I love my job!!!

Tuesday, Nov. 11, 2003 at 8:20 p.m..

Okay so I know you're not going to believe me but I swear on everything holy that this is true...

I'm wrapping cookies at work today in the back area at work... I notice a group of people and the store manager standing by the counter, so I go out to the counter and ask if I can help them. The store manager says, "I think they're just trying to decide what they want here." I say okay, and then one of the guys who was bending down stands up.



He hands me a bunch of chocolate bars he had grabbed from the endcap and says, "Okay I want these."

I try to somehow form the words, "Actually, we don't have a register back her here, you can pay up front." I can't believe he understood me. I was in total shock!

He said, "That's okay, just get me about 10 of these Killer Brownies too."

I silently filled the rest of his order, holding back the urge to scream like a 13 year old girl.

The bakery manager approaches and says, "Mr. Tyler, what brings you to the Twin Cities?"

"Oh, just visiting a friend-20,000 of them!"

He got a few more things, said thanks and went to go check out at the cashier. He kept asking, "What's the name of this store?"

They had a concert here last night with Kiss. I still can't believe I helped Steven Fucking Tyler today.... That was so fucking cool.

So, alot of you are asking why I had to go to court. I don't remember if I wrote about the car accident I was in or not... But anyway it was because the kid who turned in front of me got a citation for failing to yield (which caused me to go up on the curb and take out a stop sign and wreck my pretty Mustang). He chose to fight the ticket and I got subpeonaed (SP???)to be a witness for the city of St. Paul. Unfortunately, the kid lied about what happened and the other "witness" turned out to be a friend of his family's that just happened to be behind him when the accident happened, so of course she went along with his lie... Saying I was going too fast and that's why I ended up on the curb. Okay, first of all, if he couldn't see me coming due to the school bus (which is what he told the officer at the scene) how the hell could he tell if I was going too fast, and WHY would he turn in front of me. Since the witness knew him, the case got dismissed. Little fucker.

My car is fixed though. Hopefully his insurance still covers the damages!

I helped Steven Tyler, I helped Steven Tyler!!!!!

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